It has been a great week for naturism - not just the magnificent weather that has cast the dreary, wet and cold spring from our minds, but the ever increasing number of stories of people finding happiness and joy at the simple act of getting naked and finding that sharing this openness with others only increases the benefits to our spirits and health.
While our recently reopened swim has attracted record numbers and several visitors from out of the county, our Qi Gong class is now a healthy mixed sex group of 8 - 12. We took the opportunity to step outdoors and practise in my garden yesterday and it was so good to practise for myself but also all the members of the group that I am now getting to know much better. With our after class social afternoon tea it really is a far better space to be together than the swimming pool that has been our mainstay event for many years.
We have the opportunity to continue for the summer in a very tranquil and quiet space not far away and join Mill Bank Sun Club in their new venue with the added advantage of a large marquee should the weather not always be so kind.
Earlier in the year I also discovered the rewilding project at Knepp near Horsham in West Sussex. I am very pleased to report that I have booked 22 for a naked safari there in August and we will see something of what Sussex used to look like just a few hundred years ago and the amazing wildlife that has moved into this previously intensively farmed land, reversing the depletion that has been going on at an ever increasing pace over my lifetime.
East Sussex is a diverse county rich in woodland and wildlife, but as a naturist I am always loathe to don clothes to enjoy it. Amazingly we recently discovered a quiet river valley just a short walk from our usual venue for Qi Gong and Yoga. I scouted it with a friend last week and returned on Monday by myself. The pictures show this idyllic landscape that is well populated by sheep, but few humans. We walked for 2 hours last week and meet just three people on our way back the Community Hall. I spent an hour and a half walking while watching a motorised shepherd chasing sheep into new pastures. She passed by when I reached the farmyard on my return with her two dogs riding on the back and we exchanged cheery greetings. Had the road not been closed this week I would have been back again to enjoy some solitary meditation which I have not done outside my garden for many years - since finding the benefits of social naturism with East Sussex Naturists.
We have many more members this year and I do hope we continue to attract more so we can do more events. As well as the new walk for 2022, the next project is a naked vineyard tour and lunch. Kent is the ideal place to do this as the area is similar geologically, soil types and weather to the Champagne district of France.
If you would like to join us anytime do check out our website where you can book our events -