A great celebration by the sea, with dances and dances, music, theater and art under the stars. And again: games on the beach, hiking, wellness, culture naturist and more. The #festivalnaturista 2017 awaits you in Lido di Dante 25 to 28 May at the Camping Classe FKK, to usher in the summer season. You can choose to settle down in one of the village homes, or come with your camper, caravan or tent. The Naturist Festival is for everyone.
The naturist beach at Lido di Dante is certainly the best known Italian naturist beach and is also the largest, as it extends for over two kilometers. It is a great sandy beach, protected by a magnificent dune and the lush Pineta di Classe. The beach is near the seaside resort town of Ravenna.The area is a part of the Po Delta Park, a natural environment and a landscape of great beauty.
The setting of nudism on this beach is due to tough The action carried by Aner and its historical founder, Fidenzio Laghithrough. Today the Lido di Dante is an international naturist destination, as most French naturist villages: this is not just a beach but a real tourist destination, the first and only destination for a naturist holiday in Italy.

For those who do not read Italian:
The nudists 'total'
Filed the ancient duel with naturists cousins, they decided to open up to "textiles" and make everything (even hiking) without clothes. How many are there in Italy? About a million, maybe more
Corriere della Sera 4 Jun 2016 di Anna Meldolesi
Nudists are not what they used to be. They resemble less and less the hippies peace and love and have started to open their events to textile (so we are called who do not renounce clothes). To meet them you do not need (INF) cards, and if you want you to you can even stay clothed. Just go to NatFest, to be held from 8 to 12 June (2016) at Albinia, Orbetello fraction, between performances and debates. They say that being covered with cloth in the middle of naked people is almost as embarrassing to be naked among attired people. The Berlin Wall between nudists and textiles has still not fallen, but one feels that there is a thawing. Perhaps the textiles are no longer what they once were. Many have tried at least once the pleasure of bathing with nothing on, maybe abroad. So it seems the time to grasp peaceful exchange. On the one hand the renunciation of certain stereotypes that accompany us since the time of the movies with Pippo Franco. On the other side, a defensive attitude, and annoyed by the minority surrounded by other people's curiosity. The world of nudity is beautiful because it is different. There are people of all ages and all backgrounds, and even bicker over the terms. Nudists or naturists? For the latter, it has a cultural value, close to environmentalism and the Eastern philosophies. For others it means only to rid the body of strings and laces and to commune with the natural elements. To laugh at these differences to NatFest there will be a nudist sports tournament against naturists. "But it will be impossible to distinguish them, because they will all naked," joked the organizer Carlo Alberto Castellani, who heads the magazine Naturist Life. If the culture of nudity in Italy struggles to establish itself, it is not so much for religious reasons, according to sociologist at the University of Palermo Anna Fici. "The problem of naturists were naturists themselves," says the researcher. Behind the cultural lag there is a communication gap that arises from historical divisions. They are always opposing the purists and the anarchists, the insulation supporters and those of the dialogue. Today is emerging a new identikit naturist, less ideological, than simply claiming concealed spaces, there Castellani says. "There is a waiver to the revolutionary values ​​of the origins," notes Fici, which instead would fight with nudity aesthetic constraints of the consumer society. But the most important innovation is that the old associations are giving way to a new open system, said Jean Pascal Marcacci, leader of the movement in Emilia Romagna and defense attorney many naturists. How many naked-naturists in Italy? Hard to say, because there are opposing tendencies to hide, and to emphasize the phenomenon. There is talk of a million people, but most of the summer they cross the Italian border (to visit other countries). If there is a Mediterranean paradise for the undressed it is France, with 200 facilities and as many authorized beaches. Last year nude tourism in the country has been estimated at 2 million visitors. Spain, however, is distinguished by the casual way in which mingle with and without bathing costume. Italy is modest in comparison: 35 campsites, holiday homes and bed & breakfasts, while the beaches are about a hundred, with only 7 expressly authorized (the largest Gela is the new entry). Even this legislature will probably approve a national naturist law and the worry is that the decriminalization of Article 726 of the Criminal Code will act contrary to public decency. He moved administratively a subject on which he was forming an acquittal jurisprudence, and nudists will now be exposed to the risk of heavy fines. On the other hand you can draw up a long list of soothing signals including the sponsorship of Orbetello at the festival, which has chosen the theme "Another body is possible", the Ente Maremma Park- ahead to a naked organized trek for ' June 11th (2017), the growing interest of public and tour operators administrators who already come forward to host the 2017 NatFest. Abroad in France, the tourism capital without clothes, there are 200 facilities and many authorised beaches. There is much tolerance even in Spain. Maybe it necessary to become familiar with the (social) codes of this world that is still unknown despite being nude. Is it true that exposure of free bodies reduces sexuality? Is it anesthesia for the eros? Putting clothes on not only emphasizes the body, but nude relaxation inhibits flirting, say many. But being bare does not prevent people hiding and discovering emotions, which is the essence of flirting. Maureen O 'Connor of The Cut has dedicated a piece to the question: how do you woo on a nudist beach? Very carefully, is the answer, because machismo and morbidity are less tolerated than elsewhere. Clothes can be a statement of social belonging, being naked you become a bit 'more equal. Is there a right way to approach someone? The strategy for beginners is to fix (look into the eyes) or look down. Striving too natural a look can give the opposite effect, as Mr. Palomar did in front of the topless sunbather in the story by Calvino (Mr. Palomar is a 1983 novel by the Italian writer Italo Calvino). Dear naturists, if we happen to embarrass ourselves when we venture into your beaches, please be understanding.