Yesterday I was introduced to a lady who was a member of 3 generations of her family who are members of the sun club we were visiting. Go back forty years when I was discovering sun clubs and this was common, but sadly no longer. We had a wonderful day and made a bit of history when the club had its first clothes optional Pig Roast al fresco. It was indeed far to hot to be wearing anything.
I am interested in history and in particular naturist history. As we have a continuing heatwave in the south of England, there was one in the summer of 1928, which encourages public support for scanty bathing costumes. The Sun Bathing Society was formed which advocated nude sun bathing. I seem to remember reading somewhere that a lady member of the Sun Ray club, which had started a little earlier and had 250 members by 1930, had decided that the club would only grow if women joined. Certainly yesterday's magnificent meal was largely due to the ladies of the club and their hard work and organisation.
So this article is really to get you to visit the Home page and find the two new links. One is an article on the BN website by a young life drawing model, Lili, who is not a naturist but chose to experience a naked hike and found it very rewarding. The other link is to a Radio 4 podcast of Woman's Hour discussing nudity with a panel including Natasha Porter, one of the organisers of the World Naked Bike Ride.
Elsewhere in my blog I covered Natasha Brooks who regularly skinny dips. Here is a link to her dip in a Welsh Lake with Kate Humble Natasha explains 'Most women are used to wearing a swimming costume but as soon as you get rid of it there's a sensory difference. It's freer'.
I have met two ladies recently who regularly skinny dip in quiet places on the Sussex coast and they both look amazing. Come and have a dip with us sometime - we are sure you will not regret it and you could make some good friends.