Planning and preparation is now ramping up for the first Naked Heart Walk in aid of the British Heart Foundation.
We aim to get at least 100 walkers to take part and raise several thousand pounds for heart research in the process. This is needed now more than ever, as like so many other charities, the BHF’s income has fallen dramatically in 2020, meaning less research can be funded. The BHF funds research directly and supports many scientists in our Universities across the country.
Here are a few incentives to take part:
It will be a BHF run event for 18+ adults
You will be able to leave your clothes in your car and won’t need to carry backpacks that naturist walkers are normally obliged to carry
Only ticket holders will be at the event so there will be no onlookers or passers-by
Your details won’t be retained
The event will run for 4 hours and a BBQ1 and a bar will be available
In the company of naked people, anyone who finds nudity uncomfortable at first will discover that it all seems very normal after a few minutes
The main walk is 5 kilometres by the lake and mostly flat
An accessible and flat 2km path is also available, is fully wheelchair friendly and carers will be permitted clothed or not
The walk will be good exercise and an enjoyably energising experience
Your friends and family will appreciate your courage in walking naked and acknowledge this by sponsoring you generously.
If you want to take advantage of this unique opportunity visit British Naturism.
1The BBQ must be booked with your tickets. Meat and vegetarian options are available. You are welcome to bring your own picnic.